Spinal Cord Stimulator therapy is an increasingly popular procedure that we offer for the treatment of chronic back pain, chronic pain in the neck and radiculopathy into the arms and legs. This innovative treatment works by changing pain signals that travel up through the spinal cord to the brain. Placed near the spinal cord in the epidural space, the spinal cord stimulator device delivers low-level electrical impulses to the spinal cord or to specific nerves that interfere with the perception of pain, especially chronic nerve pain.
Risks and Complications
As expected with any minor surgical procedure, there is always a chance of side effects. Although the risks are low with this procedure, it is important to know that there are risks. For example, it is important to keep the incision dry and clean after surgery so an infection does not occur during the healing process. If you notice any drainage or redness at the incision site, you may have developed an infection and should be seen by your doctor. We will bring you back into the office within a week after the implant for a wound check.
Examples of other rare side effects include bleeding, scar tissue deposition, electrode failure, inadequate pain surface area coverage and nerve problems. This is rare but can happen. Spinal cord stimulation is not for everyone; check with your physician to see if the procedure is right for you.
Our Promise
We will take excellent care of you here at Interventional Pain Specialists of Indiana and it is our pleasure to treat you. Please DO NOT hesitate to call the office with any questions or concerns regarding your procedure appointment.